I learned in Chapter 20 that plain nouns can be the strongest words to use (right after verbs), if they fit in with your style of writing. According to the author, nouns resonate with emotion.
I was surprised when both pieces of writing stated that it is okay to use the voices of other writers. Although each writer had a slightly different opinion, it seemed, on how to use them. In Finding Your Voice, the author says that you can "borrow" another voice. She states that you can use it if you incorporate it into your own style. But Mr. Zinsser says to "never hesitate to imitate another writer." I may have it wrong, but I think he means that you can use another writer's style entirely. Although he could really be saying the same thing as in the other article. Mr. Zinsser also says that you shouldn't try to mimic styles the wrong way. For example, you should not interpret E.B. White's voice as breezy.
I think I saw both writer's voices in their pieces of writing about voice. Mr. Zinsser seems to write facts and opinions, while the author of Finding Your Voice writes with lots of Idioms and examples that make you understand what she is saying better. So to sum it up, I learned that your voice is how you like to write; if you haven't completely figured out your voice, experimenting with it is good. Slipping in pieces of other voices is good.
Good job!