Friday, January 31, 2014

Catcher In The Rye- Discussion

My impressions and predictions have been different than in the book regarding some of the chapters. Some of the things that Holden did surprised me. I thought he made a lot of bad decisions, such as drinking, getting kicked out of school, and staying alone in a hotel without talking to anyone about it first. Personally, I think Holden is too young to go into bars and stay in hotels. I noticed that he made a lot of bad decisions, but some of them surprised me. I did not think he would do some of the things he did, such as asking grown women to go out for a drink with him.

Holden's definition of phony is hypocritical. He is annoyed with the crying woman sitting next to him in the movie because she is crying as if she is sympathizing with the characters, when really Holden say she is not kind at all. She yells at her child throughout the movie because the poor kid is bored and has to use the bathroom. Sometimes, someone will tell me that they just read a book and it was terrible. Then they tell me to read it. This fits Holden's definition of phony because the person has just said it is terrible, then they say go read it. It is hypocritical.

Holden sees to be insecure and depressed. He swears frequently; using bad language can be a sign of self insecurity. He is an underage drinker and he smokes. These actions suggest he is depressed. Holden also says he is depressed a lot. He thinks about his sister and girls and mopes around. I also think that Holden does not believe in himself. I do not think he has a lot of hope. He has been kicked out of school, so he gets a room in a hotel in the city and goes to bars every night. He has been kicked out of other schools before that one; I think he has lost faith in himself to do the right thing and make it through school.

The situation in chapter thirteen symbolizes sympathy. When Holden hung up Sunny's dress, he felt a pang of sadness. He felt bad for her because she told him that she worked all night long every night and slept all day or watched movies. He felt bad because she did not have much of a life. Holden empathized over her situation. He noticed that her manners were not the best, and knew that she did not know any better.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Catcher In The Rye- Response 1-12

I think to be unique is to be different from everyone else. It is being one's own individual self. If something is unique, it is not like anything else. People can also have unique opinions about different things. Being unique is being different than everyone else, like snowflakes. Every single snowflake is unique, because not one is like any other. This is also how people are. Each person has their own personality. Some people have similar qualities of each other, but they are still unique in countless other ways.

Individuality is kept in an adult world by choosing to do things differently. By the time a person is an adult, they have the freedom and privileges to make their own decisions. Adults keep their individuality and unique qualities by making different decisions and thinking differently about things. Parents might choose differently about how they raise their children. Grown ups might choose differently what occupation they want to interview for.

Allie's character is similar to the character of a person I care about because he was kind. He never got mad at people. Holden also said Allie was hard to get mad at. I think that it is very hard to get mad at some of my best friends, because they are nice, forgiving, and fun, just like Allie. I like my best friends because they have qualities like Allie. He was a unique person with a great personality, and that is why I like my best friends. If Allie was a real person and alive, I think he would be a friend of mine.

If I had been kicked out of school, I would call my parents and tell them right away. I would tell them that I got kicked out of school, and that I was sorry. Then, I would go home. I would close myself in my room and read my favorite books until I felt better, because it always helps. I would do this because if I would ever get kicked out of school, I would feel miserable.
I would go home because all of the people I love are there. They would make me feel better, and I would be more comfortable. I think that home is the coziest place to be.

Jane is a good person. She is kind and intelligent, and she is a good friend. Jane is good at playing checkers, and she plays the game with Holden. Jane is probably the best friend that Holden has. She is caring and polite, and she thinks about others. She and Holden spend time together, and she means a lot to Holden. He thought about her a lot while he was going away from the school. Holden missed her, and she seemed almost like a sister to him.

I do not think it is true that people are always ruining things. This might be true for Holden, but he seems like a pessimistic person. Being an optimistic person most of the time, I do not think that people always ruin things all of the time. One time that someone did ruin something for me was when I was relaxing at home. I was reading a book, and it was bliss. My mom came into the room, and reminded me that I still had things left to do on my priority list. My blissful moment was ruined.